Macintosh Basics

This help screen describes the system requirements for running Jones Telecommunications and Multimedia Encyclopedia and gives a brief overview of some basic operations common to all Macintosh programs.

System Requirements

In order to run satisfactorily, the Jones Telecommunications and Multimedia Encyclopedia needs at least 5MB of available memory and a 13" monitor displaying at least 640 x 480 pixels. For best results, the monitor should also be set up to display thousands or millions of colors.

To find out how much memory you have, go to the Apple menu and select About this Macintosh. The Largest Unused Memory Block tells you how much available memory you have. To find out how your monitor is set up, go to the Apple menu, select Control Panels and then Monitors. The number of colors is highlighted in the list box. Select the Options button to see what your display resolution is.

Using the Mouse

Selecting - move your mouse to position the on-screen pointer (arrow) over a button or menu item that you want to select, then quickly press (click) and release the mouse button.

Dragging - once the pointer is in the correct place, press the mouse button down and keep it depressed while you move the mouse. The pointer will move in the same direction as the mouse, "dragging" with it the on-screen object you have selected. Dragging works only in very specific cases.


Windows are rectangular areas of the screen that contain a document. This help screen is an example. Click anywhere inside a window to make it active, which brings it to the front.

Title Bar - the bar at the top of a window that contains the document title, e.g. where the words Encyclopedia Help appear at the top of this window.

Resizing Windows - you can often change the size of a window by positioning the pointer over the size box in the lower right corner of the window. Simply drag the size box to change the height and width of the window. The size of the encyclopedia window cannot be changed but the size of this help window can.

Moving Windows - if your monitor screen is larger than a displayed window, you can move the window to a new position on the screen by dragging its title bar. You can move the encyclopedia window around if your display resolution is set at 832 x 624 pixels or higher.

Using Scroll Bars

If you see a vertical scroll bar along the right edge of a window or box, select the arrows at the ends of the scroll bar to view all of the information, or click in the scroll bar itself (either side of the square scroll box).

Using Dialog Boxes

Dialog boxes appear on screen to allow you to request or supply information, e.g. the Find dialog box, which you can get to by selecting the Options toolbox.

List Boxes - a list of choices in a box within a dialog box. List boxes often have a vertical scroll bar along the right edge. When the Index dialog box appears, the box on the right contains an alphabetical list of articles in the section you are currently exploring.

Choosing Items from a List Box - you can choose an article or subject from a list by positioning the pointer over the list item and selecting it. Once selected, the item will be highlighted.

Moving Dialog Boxes - any dialog box with a title bar can be repositioned to give you a better view of the window behind it. Simply drag the dialog box title bar to a new location.

Closing Dialog Boxes - most dialog boxes close automatically after you have made your final selection. If you decide you don't want to use the dialog box to make a selection, simply select the Close button to close the dialog box and return to the previous window.